Canadian Housing Acquisition Fund
We are losing affordable housing faster than we can build new supply.
The community housing sector is uniquely positioned to protect renters and affordable housing supply.
We can do so quickly and have demonstrated proof of concept with the BC Rental Protection Fund.
The Canadian Housing Acquisition Fund Inc. is prepared to scale nationally to acquire 10,000 homes by 2026
The most affordable homes are the ones we already have. And that’s why we need to protect them.
Between 2016 and 2021, Canada lost 370,000 homes rented at below $1000 per month. This happens through demolition, conversion to condo, or increasing rents at turnover, which leaves fewer and fewer affordable options.
No amount of building can make up for these losses.
So, what can the federal government do to protect renters?
The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, BC Rental Protection Fund, National Indigenous Collaborative Housing Inc., and the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada propose a national acquisition fund to move rental homes into community ownership through non-profits and co-operatives, protecting their affordability forever.